BH Law Group

Refugee Visas & Immigration Australia

Looking to make a fresh start in Australia? Refugee visas can offer a lifeline to those fleeing danger and persecution. Understanding the process can be a bit tricky, but we’re here to help you every step of the way. 

Let’s dive into the world of Australian refugee visas and see how BH Law Group can assist you.

About the Australian Refugee Visas & Immigration

Australia has a rich history of welcoming refugees. Australia’s humanitarian program aims to offer safety and a fresh start for people in desperate situations. 

The refugee visas allow individuals and families to resettle in Australia, offering them safety and the chance to rebuild their lives.

A refugee visa helps people who need protection from danger in their home country. To get this visa, you must be outside Australia and face persecution where you live. You also need to show strong reasons why you need refuge. Plus, you must meet health, character, and security requirements. This visa offers a chance for a safe new start in Australia.

Types of Refugee Visas in Australia

Australia offers several types of refugee visas to support individuals fleeing persecution. Here’s a closer look at each option:

Refugee Visa (Subclass 200)

The Subclass 200 visa is for individuals who are outside their home country and are subject to persecution. This visa allows you to live, work, and study in Australia permanently. It also includes the ability to access Medicare, Australia’s health care scheme, and various social security payments.

In-country Special Humanitarian Visa (Subclass 201)

This visa is for people who are still in their home country and face persecution. It’s not as common as other refugee visas because applicants need to be referred by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The Subclass 201 visa also grants permanent residency, allowing access to health care and social security benefits.

Global Special Humanitarian Visa (Subclass 202)

The Subclass 202 visa is for individuals who are outside their home country and have a proposer in Australia. A proposer can be an individual, a community organization, or a government agency. This visa also offers permanent residency and provides access to various benefits, including the right to live, work, and study in Australia.

Emergency Rescue Visa (Subclass 203)

The Emergency Rescue Visa is for people who are in immediate danger and need urgent protection. The application process is fast-tracked to ensure safety as quickly as possible. This visa offers permanent residency and includes all the benefits of other refugee visas, such as access to health care and social security.

Women at Risk Visa (Subclass 204)

The Subclass 204 visa is specifically for women who are subject to persecution or are at risk of violence due to their gender. This visa aims to protect particularly vulnerable women. It provides permanent residency, allowing beneficiaries to live, work, and study in Australia, along with access to health care and social services.

Temporary Protection Visa (TPV) – (Subclass 785)

The TPV is for individuals who arrive in Australia without a valid visa and seek asylum. It is a temporary visa, generally valid for three years, and allows you to work and study. TPV holders can access Medicare, social security payments, and job placement services but do not have the same permanent rights as other refugee visa holders.

Safe Haven Enterprise Visa (SHEV) – (Subclass 790)

The SHEV is designed to encourage asylum seekers to work or study in regional Australia. It is a temporary visa, usually valid for five years. Like the TPV, it grants access to work, study, and health care services. If you meet certain criteria, you may be eligible to apply for other visas that lead to permanent residency.


By understanding these different types of visas, you can better navigate the options available and choose the right path for your situation. Each visa type has its own specific requirements and benefits, so it’s important to carefully consider which one fits your needs best.

Refugee visa by BH Law Group

Eligibility Criteria for Refugee Visas & Immigration

Understanding if you qualify for a refugee visa in Australia involves meeting specific criteria. Here’s a detailed breakdown to help you understand:

Who Is Considered a Refugee?

According to Australia’s Migration Act 1958, an individual is considered a refugee if they meet the following conditions:

  • The person is currently outside their home country.
  • The person has a genuine fear of persecution and cannot return to their home country.
  • Reasons for Fear: The persecution they fear must be due to one of these five reasons: Race, Religious Belief, Nationality, Political Opinion, Affiliation with a Specific Group
  • The person fears persecution throughout their entire country, not just in one region.
  • The fear includes the risk of serious harm and systematic, discriminatory actions.

Who Meets the Criteria for Complementary Protection?

People who do not qualify as refugees might still be eligible for protection if they face significant harm upon returning to their home country. This is known as complementary protection. Here’s what constitutes significant harm:

  •  There is a real risk that returning to their home country could result in death.
  •  The person could face the death penalty.
  •  There is a risk of being tortured upon return.
  •  The person could be subjected to cruel punishment.
  •  There is a risk of treatment that is degrading or humiliating.
  • You may also be eligible for a visa if you are a family member of someone who qualifies under the complementary protection criteria.

Application Process of Refugee Visas & Immigration

Applying for a refugee visa in Australia can seem complex, but breaking it down into simple steps can make it easier to follow. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

Step 1: Check Your Eligibility

Before you start, make sure you meet the basic criteria:

  • Are you outside your home country?
  • Do you have a well-founded fear of persecution?
  • Do you face significant harm if you return to your home country?
  • Gather evidence to support your claims, such as personal statements, reports, and relevant documents.

Step 2: Choose the Right Visa

Identify which type of refugee visa is best for your situation:

  • Offshore Humanitarian Visa (subclass 200): For those outside Australia seeking protection.
  • In-country Special Humanitarian Visa (subclass 201): For those still in their home country but facing persecution.
  • Global Special Humanitarian Visa (subclass 202): For those sponsored by a relative or an Australian community organisation.
  • Emergency Rescue Visa (subclass 203): For individuals in immediate danger.
  • Woman at Risk Visa (subclass 204): For women and their dependents who face gender-based persecution.

Step 3: Prepare Your Application

  • Create an ImmiAccount: Visit the Department of Home Affairs website and create an ImmiAccount to start your application.
  • Fill Out Forms: Complete the necessary forms, providing accurate personal information and details about your situation.
  • Write a Personal Statement: Clearly explain your circumstances and why you need protection in Australia.
  • Gather Supporting Documents: Collect identification documents, evidence of persecution, translations of non-English documents, and any other relevant paperwork.
  • Submit the Application: Submit your application online through your ImmiAccount or mail it to the appropriate Australian embassy or consulate.
  • Pay the Application Fee: Pay the required application fee as instructed.
  • Health Check: Complete any required medical examinations to meet Australia’s health standards.
  • Interview: Be prepared to attend an interview to discuss your application in detail.
  • Wait for Processing: Be patient, as processing times can vary. Respond promptly to any requests for additional information from the Department of Home Affairs.

If Your Application is Denied

  • Review the Decision: Understand the reasons for the denial and gather additional evidence if needed.
  • Lodge an Appeal: Submit an appeal to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) within the specified timeframe.


By following these steps, you can navigate the application process for refugee visas in Australia more smoothly and increase your chances of success.

Benefits of Refugee Visas & Immigration

Safety and Protection

  • Physical Security: Refugee visas provide a safe haven from persecution, violence, and conflict, offering refugees the chance to live without fear for their lives.
  • Legal Protection: Refugees gain legal status in Australia, protecting them from being forcibly returned to their home countries where they face danger.


Access to Essential Services

  • Healthcare: Refugees have access to Australia’s comprehensive healthcare system, including mental health support, ensuring their physical and mental well-being.
  • Education: Children of refugees can attend Australian schools, and adults have opportunities for further education and vocational training, enabling them to build a better future.
  • Social Services: Refugees receive support through various social services, including housing assistance and financial aid during their initial settlement period.


Economic Opportunities

  • Employment: Refugees have the right to work in Australia, allowing them to become self-sufficient, contribute to the economy, and build a stable life.
  • Entrepreneurship: With the support of various programs, refugees can start their businesses, fostering economic growth and innovation within communities.


Family Reunification

  • Reuniting Families: Refugee visas often allow family members to be reunited, reducing emotional stress and helping them support each other during the settlement process.
  • Support Networks: Having family members nearby provides a crucial support network, aiding in the emotional and social integration of refugees.


Community and Social Integration

  • Cultural Exchange: Refugees enrich Australian society with their diverse cultures, traditions, and perspectives, promoting multiculturalism and understanding.
  • Community Support: Various community organisations and volunteer groups offer support and friendship, helping refugees feel welcomed and integrated into Australian society.


Pathway to Citizenship

  • Permanent Residency: Many refugee visas lead to permanent residency, giving refugees stability and the ability to plan long-term.
  • Citizenship Opportunities: After meeting certain residency requirements, refugees can apply for Australian citizenship, allowing them to fully participate in civic life and enjoy all the rights and responsibilities that come with being an Australian citizen.


Mental Health and Well-being

  • Mental Health Services: Access to mental health services helps refugees cope with past traumas and adapt to their new environment, promoting overall well-being.
  • Community Connections: Building new friendships and community ties can greatly enhance mental health and provide a sense of belonging and purpose.


Contribution to Society

  • Skilled Workforce: Refugees bring a range of skills and experiences that contribute to various sectors, including healthcare, education, and trades.
  • Volunteering: Many refugees volunteer their time to give back to the community, further enriching Australian society.


Access to Legal Aid

  • Legal Support: Refugees can access legal aid to help them understand their rights, navigate the immigration system, and address any legal issues that may arise.


By offering these comprehensive benefits, Australia’s refugee visas not only provide immediate safety and security but also pave the way for refugees to build fulfilling, productive lives in their new home.

Why Choose BH Law Group for Refugee Visas & Immigration

Expertise in Immigration Law

At BH Law Group, we focus on immigration law, with a thorough understanding of the challenges involved in refugee visa applications. Our team stays informed on the latest regulations, ensuring your application is managed with top-notch expertise.

Personalised Service

We understand that every client’s situation is unique. That’s why we offer customised services tailored to your specific needs. We spend time getting to know your circumstances to provide the best advice and solutions. Our lawyers offer individual consultations to ensure you receive the care and attention you deserve throughout the visa process.

Proven Track Record

Our history of success speaks volumes. We have helped many refugees secure visas, effectively guiding them through the intricate process with a high success rate. Client testimonials and success stories highlight our dedication and skill, showing our commitment to making your dream of a new start in Australia a reality.

Transparent Pricing

We know the financial burden that the visa application process can bring. To ease this stress, we offer clear pricing with no hidden costs. Our fee structure is straightforward, and we provide upfront estimates so you know exactly what to expect. We value honesty and transparency, ensuring you get the best value for our services.

Efficient Process

Time is critical when it comes to refugee visas, and we strive to make the application process as efficient as possible. Our organised procedures and meticulous attention to detail help prevent unnecessary delays, ensuring your application is handled promptly. We prioritise timely communication and quick action to keep your case moving forward.

Support Beyond Visa Approval

Our support doesn’t stop once your visa is approved. We offer ongoing assistance to help you adjust to your new life in Australia. Whether you need help finding housing, accessing local services, or settling into the community, BH Law Group is here to assist. We provide resources and advice to ensure a smooth transition, making your move to Australia easier.

BH Law Group is committed to offering exceptional service for your refugee visa needs. Our expertise, personalised service, proven success, comprehensive support, transparent pricing, efficient process, and continued assistance make us the best choice for those seeking refuge in Australia.

Ready to start your Refugee visa application?

Contact BH Law Group today.

Let us help you bring your family to Australia.


Q: How long does it take to process a refugee visa?  

A: Processing times can vary, but priority is given to the most vulnerable applicants, such as those referred by the UNHCR.


Q: Are refugee visas free?  

A: Most refugee visas under the humanitarian program do not have an application fee.


Q: Can I work while holding a refugee visa?  

A: Yes, most refugee visas allow you to work and study in Australia.


Q: What support services are available for refugees in Australia?  

A: Refugees have access to a range of support services, including free English classes, settlement assistance, and healthcare.


Q: Can I bring my family with me?  

A: Yes, immediate family members can be proposed for resettlement through a ‘split family’ process.

Understanding the refugee visa process is the first step toward safety and a new beginning in Australia. At BH Law Group, we are dedicated to helping you. Contact us today at 0468 442 590 or email us at or to start your journey towards reuniting with your loved ones in Australia.